ESF coffee hours

ESF coffee hours

Monthly informal online gatherings for science communicators to get to know each other and share ideas.

Each meeting will feature a presentation from one or more members of the community followed by semi-structured discussion framed by guiding questions.  Topics will be chosen to share topics of interest to the community and to encourage discussion and the sharing of our collective experience.

Next coffee hour

Date: February 20th
Time: 12:30 – 13:30

Baptiste Lavie  – Projet Salomé – Observatoire de Genève

This session will kick off with a presentation from Baptiste Lavie from the Geneva Observatory about the Salomé Project – where adventure meets science!  The presentation will be followed by interactive discussions on comics as a means of science communication, artists’ views on science and difficulties reaching teachers and scaling up projects for schools.

All science communicators are welcome to join – please share with anyone you think might be interested in taking part in the discussions!

We are still actively looking for presenters for upcoming Coffee Hours – don’t be shy, and get in touch if you have something you might want to present! Remember that the goal of the presentation is to set the stage for discussions, so presenting a problem that you are facing can be just as interesting as presenting a successful project!

Registration form

Participant list

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Olivier GaumerPhysiscopeSwitzerland